Wednesday, August 3, 2016

"Stockholm Syndrome", this is what it is and as manifested

Stockholm syndrome is a psychological condition that involves linking the victim and positive feelings against kidnappers.

In August 1973, a failed attempt to rob a bank "Kreditbankën" in Stockholm, Sweden ended in the kidnapping of four officers from the armed robbers. After six days of negotiations with the hostage-takers Swedish police crisis was resolved satisfactorily and the hostages were released unharmed - were to rule their strange behavior in the days, weeks and months after the incident. The victims of this act of random terrorist, while detained in a basement of the bank, were connected spiritually with criminals who were taken hostage, to the point of showing understanding for the reasons behind this act and then, to try to provide assistance financial means to pay the legal protection of their former executioners and were in court to testify in favor of the robbers. Psychologists who studied this seemingly absurd reaction, called "Stockholm syndrome". Immediately noticed that this syndrome faced often in situations of hostage taking, but also in other situations where one party could exercise freely extreme violence against the other Party, in prisons and concentration camps, in the relationship between users and prostitutes, or even in families where abusive husband wife or children.
Displaying syndrome
According to some authors, the Stockholm syndrome occurs in many different circumstances:
-A Person threatened to kill another person, and seems able to do so.
-Personi Threatened can not leave this situation, therefore perceives his life at the hands of abusers.
-Personi Threatened is isolated from the surrounding environment, in the sense that the only perspective that is closely related to that of the person threatening.
-Personi Threatening, occasionally it shows some of compassion towards the victim.
According to some authors, enough three-four days in this kind of situation, the victim starts to feel sympathy or understanding for the executioner. This is explained by the adoption by the victim of an almost instinctive strategy to survive, making it please the person who has life in hand and being identified with his view on the world. Also, the victims, the initial fear of the executioner becomes gradually in recognition that this is their "save" lives.
There have been many studies on the psychological damage of totalitarian violence against detainees and prisoners, or to the general population, cohabiting with this regime.It is the fact that four of the above mentioned circumstances that generate a psychological response to the Stockholm Syndrome type have been typical of life under dictatorships and police have contributed greatly to the "love" of the people in totalitarian henchmen.
In particular, the establishment of the full circumstances of insulation from the external environment and the reduction of interpersonal contacts in a single man: the investigator, were typical during the interrogation of persons arrested for political reasons. As has been noted repeatedly by all those historians who have studied violence totalitarian Soviet Union over 30 years, some of those arrested for political reasons have refused to sign false statements incriminating friends, family and relatives simply convinced of the "necessity" of such acts, or "usefulness" of their major cause of the revolution.
Among those questioned, there have been cases of strong and heroic attitudes facing personal and institutional violence. But these were special cases, exceptions, mentally tough individuals to pressure, or with a particular moral profile, or willing extremely strong, in some cases, psychopaths or not conscious risk.
Methods of psychological and physical torture, be commissioned because for centuries, are intended precisely to break the psychologically normal individuals, who constitute the majority. In terms of totalitarian terror, arrested the investigator arrived damaged and almost convinced that he meets expected; therefore it is not surprising that a good portion of them are not resisting pressures comprehensive dot. In the Soviet Union, the vast majority of the detainee in the major political trials of the 30s investigators will blindly applied to them, to bring in the most absurd and unbelievable even in the courtroom.
Acts of heroism and defiance against the persecutors have been typical in the early years of the postwar, when detainees felt still "guaranteed" in the face hangmen and thought they were respected at least as people, without realizing still good cynicism extreme communist Party. (That allegedly happened in similar situations in the Soviet Union during the years 1917 to 1930, or the first phase of totalitarian terror). Then, unfortunately, the people who lived in this type of regime was crippled psychologically - and dismembered precisely because it was quite normal to be mutilated. The conversion of a portion of the population in spies and reporting has to do precisely with this phenomenon: report claimed by reproducing the social tissue - in the sense that there was a totalitarian society to the extent that its reporting elements each other. Taking this into account, among psychological mutilation such as paranoia, persecution mania, anxiety crises of hysterical crises, the need to make room for the Stockholm syndrome, or prayer of the victims to their executioners.

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