Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Mosquito bites, ja natural ingredients to prevent

Discover how you can use natural ingredients to protect the skin from insects mainly by mosquitoes. Often, mistakenly, thought that natural medicines are old-fashioned and inefficient. Rather, their effect is very powerful, and the benefits are numerous epidermis.
Below you will find a list of 10 aromatic alternatives to the problem of mosquitoes, which can be easily found in Albania.
  1. Vanilla extract
Mix it with cream odorless any in the amount of 1 to 10 and coat all areas of your body discovered.
  1. The basil essential oil, eucalyptus or safflower seeds
Add five to ten drops of essential oil in a glass of water and plaster areas covered by clothing. Can coat with a piece of cotton wool and put on the windows to keep mosquitoes away.
  1. lavender
Mosquitoes can not tolerate the smell of lavender, whether dry or fresh in oil form. To our good fortune, lavender aromaterapeutike treatments used as a natural cure for peace and against anxiety. Lavender can use on clothing, skin, or simply like flowers in the house.
  1. Safflower seeds
Take five grams of clove seeds and ziejini with a glass of water. It takes 10 drops of this juice with a little alcohol to apply in all areas of the body uncovered.
  1. juniper
If you have organized outdoor activity discard some juniper branches in bonfire and mosquitoes will not disturb you.
  1. cedar oil
Cedar oil is not only one of the most popular fragrance ingredients, but also highly effective in the removal of insects: mosquitoes, flies and cockroaches who hate the smell of it.
  1. Sweet wormwood
Oil made from the juice of the roots of sweet wormwood (1.5 liters of water caught a handful of this herb for about an hour and a half) does not just effect in treating wounds, but if applied to the skin can serve as a mosquito deterrent.
  1. chamomile
One of the oldest medicinal plants has a paralyzing effect on the nerve cells of insects.Therefore you can dry and spread through the house.
  1. Fresh basil or tomato leaves
Mosquitoes can not tolerate the smell that emit these plants, so do not hesitate to use.
  1. Garlic
According to scientific data, mosquitoes stay away from him or her to eat more garlic. But remember that if you eat more garlic and people will stay away, so do not go overboard.

Bird that leads to the discovery of honey

Researchers call the honey and the bird was approaching and leads to hives of bees hidden in the woods. This is the unwritten pact established between members of the Yao tribe in Mozambique and a small bird called "roadmap grykëzi.
The behavior of this bird is known for a long time, and was signaling to the late 16th century by a Portuguese missionary. But now a group of researchers studied a real experiment on the ground than is efficient rare cooperation between man and bird.
Researchers sought to know whether it really is stabilized communication between "us" and "them".
Collaboration sweet
Grykëzi roadmap is about 20 cm tall and weighs 50 grams and is well known for its ability to lead to wild beehives. Finding an activity that honey is still some African tribes apply in sub-Saharan Africa.
The man opened the hive, and the bird of wax remains, which he loves and is among the few who can digest. Among others eat small larvae.
Researchers led by evolutionary biologist studying Claire Spottiswoode of the University of Cambridge's, studied the cooperation between the bird and the honey hunters Yao tribe, sitting in the Niassa reserve's national, north of Mozambique.
Bird makes a distinctive sound to signal that he has found honey, and moving from one tree to another that leads to the location.
But even members of the tribe emit a distinctive sound to rithërritur when they want to launch a search. A short irons and timbre of the voice, followed by a kind of grunt, about 20 men tribe told researchers that they learned from their fathers.
Safe Guide
To test the effectiveness of cooperation, the researchers followed the tribe members during the search of honey. When was the bird guide, search effectively closed three times in four discovery of honey. And not only that. The researchers wanted to test whether the sound that used to attract birds serve.
They recorded the sound of the call and then went along to reserve areas for nearly a week. They issued another sound or sound evocative unused in these parts and use a courtesy call, but for other circumstances.
Birds were introduced to make the roadmap then double cases 66% compared with 33% when the call went out deliberately to launch honey hunting.
The study showed that in these cases, in 80% of cases found a beehive.
How they learn?
It is not clear how this cooperative behavior is transmitted from one generation to the other birds. Bird guide makes eggs in the nests of other species and so the little ones do not grow up with their biological parents. In addition, the call is specific. It is documented that other tribes use other sounds to call. According to the researchers, overall behavior, probably was born, and local adaptation of the little birds taught by adults who practice feeding.

"Treatments white" salt makes you beautiful

Do you know the great salt in terms of aesthetic care? You can shfqytëzoni this ingredient against cellulite, for a smooth skin, beautiful hair etc. You can create yourself beauty recipes at home and really feel the difference of salt that can forgive you.
  1. Spray to create wavy hair. To create the perfect wave hair take a teaspoon of salt in 200 ml of warm water. Then add ½ teaspoon of coconut oil and a bit of hair gel. Then shake to mix the ingredients.
  2. Absorbent bath: Mix one cup salt dish with a few drops of almond oil, coconut oil or other essential and add water during washing. The use of salt in the shower, ensures that less water is absorbed by the body while avoiding the effect "ruffle" in the fingers and toes.
  3. Treatment of dandruff. Massaging the scalp with sea salt to wet hair before, in order to remove the layers of dandruff and scalp treatment to penetrate better.
  4. Facial tonic: To reduce the fat in the skin, in a warm water bottle take a teaspoon of salt and place it in the face while maintaining eye area. Wipe dry with something.
  5. Skrab salt: Once you make a bath or a shower, while your skin is still wet, pour a small amount into the hands tablespoon salt and massage it gently in his arms and legs. Massage with salt will remove dead cells and improve circulation.
  6. Steam Skin: To open the pores, exfoliate skin before boil 1/3 cup salt dish in a small kettle for boiling water. Transfer it to a bowl and during this time hold face over the steam.
  7. Exfoliating Facial: Mix a teaspoon of finely salt and a teaspoon of olive oil in a small bowl. Gently massage the face and neck with this mixture. Rinse face as usual.
  8. Toothpaste: A classic recipe of natural beauty: Press tablespoon finely little salt. Mix a small amount of salt with two measures of baking soda. Put the toothbrush and rub your teeth.
  9. Rinse: Rinse your mouth with a solution made with ½ teaspoon salt and ½ teaspoon baking soda dissolved in a half glass of water.
  10. Anti-sacs eyes: Tresni a teaspoon of salt in a little hot water. Lie down and put on eye two tampons dipped in the solution.
  11. Foot Treatment: Put the feet in warm water with salt. Salt is what the doctor recommends them athletes, whose feet are overstressed, or after a long day's journey.

"Stockholm Syndrome", this is what it is and as manifested

Stockholm syndrome is a psychological condition that involves linking the victim and positive feelings against kidnappers.

In August 1973, a failed attempt to rob a bank "Kreditbankën" in Stockholm, Sweden ended in the kidnapping of four officers from the armed robbers. After six days of negotiations with the hostage-takers Swedish police crisis was resolved satisfactorily and the hostages were released unharmed - were to rule their strange behavior in the days, weeks and months after the incident. The victims of this act of random terrorist, while detained in a basement of the bank, were connected spiritually with criminals who were taken hostage, to the point of showing understanding for the reasons behind this act and then, to try to provide assistance financial means to pay the legal protection of their former executioners and were in court to testify in favor of the robbers. Psychologists who studied this seemingly absurd reaction, called "Stockholm syndrome". Immediately noticed that this syndrome faced often in situations of hostage taking, but also in other situations where one party could exercise freely extreme violence against the other Party, in prisons and concentration camps, in the relationship between users and prostitutes, or even in families where abusive husband wife or children.
Displaying syndrome
According to some authors, the Stockholm syndrome occurs in many different circumstances:
-A Person threatened to kill another person, and seems able to do so.
-Personi Threatened can not leave this situation, therefore perceives his life at the hands of abusers.
-Personi Threatened is isolated from the surrounding environment, in the sense that the only perspective that is closely related to that of the person threatening.
-Personi Threatening, occasionally it shows some of compassion towards the victim.
According to some authors, enough three-four days in this kind of situation, the victim starts to feel sympathy or understanding for the executioner. This is explained by the adoption by the victim of an almost instinctive strategy to survive, making it please the person who has life in hand and being identified with his view on the world. Also, the victims, the initial fear of the executioner becomes gradually in recognition that this is their "save" lives.
There have been many studies on the psychological damage of totalitarian violence against detainees and prisoners, or to the general population, cohabiting with this regime.It is the fact that four of the above mentioned circumstances that generate a psychological response to the Stockholm Syndrome type have been typical of life under dictatorships and police have contributed greatly to the "love" of the people in totalitarian henchmen.
In particular, the establishment of the full circumstances of insulation from the external environment and the reduction of interpersonal contacts in a single man: the investigator, were typical during the interrogation of persons arrested for political reasons. As has been noted repeatedly by all those historians who have studied violence totalitarian Soviet Union over 30 years, some of those arrested for political reasons have refused to sign false statements incriminating friends, family and relatives simply convinced of the "necessity" of such acts, or "usefulness" of their major cause of the revolution.
Among those questioned, there have been cases of strong and heroic attitudes facing personal and institutional violence. But these were special cases, exceptions, mentally tough individuals to pressure, or with a particular moral profile, or willing extremely strong, in some cases, psychopaths or not conscious risk.
Methods of psychological and physical torture, be commissioned because for centuries, are intended precisely to break the psychologically normal individuals, who constitute the majority. In terms of totalitarian terror, arrested the investigator arrived damaged and almost convinced that he meets expected; therefore it is not surprising that a good portion of them are not resisting pressures comprehensive dot. In the Soviet Union, the vast majority of the detainee in the major political trials of the 30s investigators will blindly applied to them, to bring in the most absurd and unbelievable even in the courtroom.
Acts of heroism and defiance against the persecutors have been typical in the early years of the postwar, when detainees felt still "guaranteed" in the face hangmen and thought they were respected at least as people, without realizing still good cynicism extreme communist Party. (That allegedly happened in similar situations in the Soviet Union during the years 1917 to 1930, or the first phase of totalitarian terror). Then, unfortunately, the people who lived in this type of regime was crippled psychologically - and dismembered precisely because it was quite normal to be mutilated. The conversion of a portion of the population in spies and reporting has to do precisely with this phenomenon: report claimed by reproducing the social tissue - in the sense that there was a totalitarian society to the extent that its reporting elements each other. Taking this into account, among psychological mutilation such as paranoia, persecution mania, anxiety crises of hysterical crises, the need to make room for the Stockholm syndrome, or prayer of the victims to their executioners.

Even the whites of South Africa are suffering poverty

A faction of the white population of South Africa lives in poverty, like many Africans in ghettos color on the country. Once eligible as a result of the policy of apartheid, now they are facing the same problems.

Red Dust province of South Africa's Highveld looks like a mist over Munsieville-n, camp located just an hour from Johannesburg metropolis. Barefoot children play with any thing to find before the barracks where they live. Unemployed adults sit on benches in front apartments, because if locked inside temperature is unbearable. Such a scene was common for families of blacks during the apartheid era.
For many, living conditions have not improved since the country declared constitutional equality in 1994.
Du Preez Leigh, founder of the Family Assistance Project in South Africa (SAFRP), says that policies designed to fix decades of forced inequality have not had the desired effect.
But she is not talking about color families. Du Preez says that more and more white were unemployed and hungry, forced to save themselves in the middle of growing racial tensions.
"We are losing our jobs because of the color of our skin, because we are white," said Du Preez to "Deutsche Welle".
Less than 10 percent of the population is white, referring to the census of 2014 and less than 10% of whites live in that kind of poverty, which requires the help of "SAFRP" operation.
Therefore, not a surprise when Du Preez says he has little interest in the issue of increasing poverty among whites. She says that colored population gets all the attention and assistance.
"People think this can not be true, but so my people live," said Du Preez as she goes door to door in the camp of the Munsieville's diffuse, listening to their concerns residents.
it stinks everywhere
Built in a place where gather debris, which offers free camp is the biggest project's SAFRP, with more than 300 families that live in the neighborhood adjacent to each other.
"Here before there was nothing. There were no sanitary conditions, water or electricity.Now it has a portable toilet for every three families. Stinks everywhere, "she said, adding that the lack of hygienic conditions has to grow diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia or infections leather.
There is white conditions of camp residents in Munsieville are worse than those of the black community. Rather, most of the residents of their towns, also are suffering to survive.
"They all are trying to make this place livable as possible that, with any little thing that", said Marius Du Preez, Leigh's husband.
From luxury to rags
When mariusi lost his job a few years ago, Du Preez family ended up in a camp almost free as he Munsieville's. "If it would not be for friends and family where you will be our reality," said Leigh. "So I feel compelled to do something. The government does nothing for us. Well, we have to help our own people. "
She is proud that SAFRP takes donations as blacks as well as whites. But most, by its exterior.
"Sometimes to have to lose everything that could arise again on foot to assess what they have," said Estelle Floo, one of the camp residents.
She indicated that her husband lost his job when the company where he worked, underwent the process of "Black Economic Empowerment" (BEE), a government initiative designed to give most jobs, people "previously disadvantaged" , it is called the black community.
The couple and their children share a barracks with their friends, Alfonso Ferreira and Christina Du Toit.
"We will not stay here forever, but government policy" BEE "is destroying us," said Alfonso Ferreira. "If you convince yourself to live here with these conditions, then flounder. But if you work hard to prosper, then would come a day ".
hope remains
Fifteen-year-old Irene van Niekerk may have started its journey in life. A pretty lady runner, Irene, has won 32 medals in championships throughout the province. The community has high hopes for "sprinter camp free", the nickname she summoned.
Not long ago, Irene received a foreign reporter who suggested that poor whites may deserve to stay in such conditions, since for decades benefited from apartheid rule.
Du Preez has heard this argument before. "I understand when foreigners say these things about us. But they do not realize that apartheid was to create poverty. He was power and control, and yes, it was something bad. " But she added: "Now we have more free camps for blacks under the current government than we had during apartheid. Furthermore we have and these free camps for whites. And how is it better? "
The charity also distributes food and clothing during the winter, especially for small impoverished communities.
Du Preez explains that there are about 500 informal settlements of whites across South Africa. It emphasizes that no one will help them. Its concern with the government eclipsed only by the desire to improve the lives of people in need. She says South Africa is heading in the same manner as Zimbabwe. Activist refers to land policies of President Robert Mugabe, who has given many whites without a source of income, after he has given to local African farms.

"Nelson Mandela said the South will not see ever more apartheid. Now, we are living the same thing again, but find ourselves on the other side. "

Children who read will have more success at work

"A room without books is like a body without a soul," says Cicero. Lose in a maze of books and dive into a universe of stories is an exciting experience. A trip cheaply that opens the mind and gives great advantages. Reading improves the lives of every day, helps in stress over to face the problems of small and big day. Even those of an economic nature.
A recent study has shown that reading is not just a thing beautiful but also useful.Research conducted by three economists at the University of Padua, Giorgio Brunello, Guglielmo Weber and Christoph Weiss has revealed a link between profitability adults raised in a stimulating environment for their reading and cultural baggage.
Living a childhood full of books and stories will help the little ones can improve their position in the job just become great.
The study, published in "The Economic Journal" has taken into account 6 thousand people in nine different European countries.
The conclusion of the research is that people who have read that little can be trusted to gain more materially than those during childhood had not read a single book.
Researchers have selected the period between 1920 and 1956 when Europe was resolved the issue of compulsory education. They then observed the type of environment in which he grew up. If people saw adult already read over age 10 years and many books they had.
From the research it turned out that an additional year of education, except that mandatory, has increased the average income of a person with 9%.
Estimates range performance but more on the basis of socio-economic beigraundit.
Adults in families with less than a bookcase have won only 5% more compared with 21% of those who read more.
And those who grew up with more books would be likely to switch to better working positions that offer greater opportunities than those who profit rose by less books. Not only that, were the first to find a job more easily in office. Studiesit offer a series of explanations. "Perhaps the books are important because they encourage children to read more, while the reading may have positive effects on school outcomes. Alternatively, a house full of books indicates socio-economic conditions better. "
The number of books in the home of a child can tell a lot about the kind of environment in which it grows and the adults who will become. A house full of books encourages and stimulates cognitive ability and social-emotional least, important for the success of economic and work it through life.

Foods that do not need to eat on the beach


There are many foods which should be avoided to the beach because the sun and become unusable if you eat can make you ill. Some prefer fruits and fresh ice cream and do not consume cheese and sausage.

What are the foods to avoid being consumed on the beach or not to take with them during their stay in the tent to remove the feeling of hunger? In fact, many foods are determined to stay in the refrigerator or in the kitchen to store.
The heat and high temperatures contribute to the destruction of food that often stand in the cooler by the tents, which completely transformed in less time. Once heated by the sun after meals are not tasty and less healthy so it is best to be cautious what you get with him.
First of all it is important to know that the beach should not consume more food in order to stay easy and not heavy.
To consume a sufficient lunch dishes can light a mixed salad with some bread and a normal sized ice cream.
Among other things, the beach you should not miss fruits, healthy food that contains lots of water. Ideal for is not dehydrated, available to have a continuous source of energy.
Food not to eat on the beach are: cheese, fried potatoes, egg, sausage, sausages of all kinds, food-based dairy products, brioshi, biscuits, cream, mayonnaise and all processed foods.
Chefs recommend that prefer a simple lunch and healthy, natural ingredients to not provoke acidity and stomach burns.
So even on the beach lunches can be tasty and healthy, just choose a fresh salad or just an ice cream mix. In fact, it is said that during a single day at the beach, to fill the bags to eat, just have fun and play to spend a quiet day.
Especially for children it is advisable not to give to eat fried foods and biscuits, but a bowl of cereal to keep them away easily and abdominal pain, aggravated by malnutrition as well as that of any food with acidity.
Meanwhile if you intend cooling off during the heat on those restaurants by the sea drinking carbonated beverage classic, never do it again! Any drinks, from classic Cola to sparkling water, are completely prohibited food products before going into the sea, or while you are in it. By avoiding them, will be able to avoid the swelling of your abdomen or not!
Likewise, no gum is not advisable to chew when you're on the beach. Gum can actually seem like the end product of which is related to your abdominal swelling, but even he has a negative impact. While you chew it, also get significant air causing a bulge intrusive body and certainly not aesthetic.

These are the ten most incredible stories of "Facebook"

Social network Facebook feats seem not to be Completed. It is almost part of everyday each of us. But this time will bring you ten stories unheard of unprecedented, where Facebook has been "protagonist" key. A bride canceled the wedding after seeing her fiance embrace with another woman on Facebook, on another occasion bridegroom updated the status on FB during the wedding altar, while a teenager escaped from prison thanks to a status on FB, and a child abducted he found his family after 22 years. For more read the following.
1 - Women which was stolen picture on Facebook, and was used for publicity in the Czech Republic
This is a beautiful picture of a family from Missouri, USA, to pose for a Christmas card.But what they did not expect was that the complete picture as advertisement in another state. Their image was used in a grocery store in Prague, Czech Republic.
2 - sick woman who lost her benefits from the beach photos on FB
Blanchad Nathalie, a woman sick for a long time is not on social assistance receives monthly after being satisfied photo posted on the beach on her Facebook account. After being diagnosed with depression Nathalie's she had to leave her job at IBM, and so will receive assistance from the company Manulife. Photo posted after the insurance company stopped providing assistance to her.
3 - updated the status on FB groom during wedding altar
What to do after a bridegroom vows of love? Kiss the bride? But that was not what happened at the wedding of Dana Hanna's with her husband, who before kissing the bride, took the phone and changed his status by putting: He married Dana Hanna.
4 - The husband who left his wife since FB
A separation is painful for everyone, but to understand that the marriage is over the Internet goes beyond everything. Emma Brady, was shocked by a free update that my social network Facebook: Neil Brady ended his marriage to Emma Brady. Now Nail went to live with his mother and said he did not want to have more to do with Emma-n.
5 - A teenager who escaped from prison thanks to a status on FB
Rodney Bradford, a 19-year-old who had not ever thought that his message on Facebook, it would be his passport to freedom. "Where are my donuts," wrote Rodney from his father's apartment in Harlem. A day later the young man was arrested on suspicion of theft. His lawyer used Facebook as his alibi. This is then checked and made allegations fall.
6 - kidnapped child who found his family after 22 years via FB
Alex Anfuso, an Italian kidnapped by his own father at age 5 years, lived with another name for 22 years in Cairo, Egypt. Often in his Facebook Alex wrote: My name is Alex and I ask my family. After all those years of desperate attempts to connect with his family, he wrote to all people with the surname Anfuso on Facebook. He even contacted and RAI channel, but unfortunately discovered that his mother had died
7 - The boy who said that if a group create 1 mln people would tattoo all the Pokemon characters
A young Ecuadorian decided to start a group on Facebook called: "If you become 1 million people, Jose Romero pledge that I will do 151 characters Pokemon tattoo on my back."But he had never imagined that people would increase until they reached 1 mln. Romesos but had to hide because he did not keep his promise.
8 - couple with the same name who married after being introduced in FB
It is not uncommon to find on Facebook a person with the same name. But to find and with the same adjective here is a surprise. A guy from Texas named Kelly Hildebrandt met a girl from Florida also named Kelly Hildebrandt and they were married to each other.The boy said: "I was looking one day Facebook name in vain in my chance when I see girls carrying the same name and surname as well as I, having sent friend request discussed and meet each other."
9-13-year-old who saw a teenager on FB, having sex with her and hid in the closet
A shocked woman called police after she opened the closet of her daughter's room and found a 19-year-old there. 13-year-old girl admitted that he had sex with as recognized in FB. According to police, the boy was hiding in the closet for two days. He was arrested on charges of sexual assault.
10 - The bride who canceled the wedding after seeing her fiance embrace with another woman in FB
A few days before the wedding, a woman left her boyfriend after he saw espouse another female in FB. Angry wife put up posters all over Rome after discovering that her lover betrayed. In the poster read: "Thank God that there is Facebook".

A moderate workout hours to repair the damage of the office work

The World Health Organization (WHO) some time ago issued a directive to withstand the risk of sedentary life where advised to perform 150 minutes of exercise per week. But the latest study says not enough

At least one hour of physical activity a day is needed to repair the damage to our shame when seated on the desk for eight hours.
This is the conclusion reached by a group of international researchers.
The World Health Organization (WHO) some time ago issued a directive to withstand the risk of sedentary life where advised to perform 150 minutes of exercise per week.
Public Health England but, after analyzing data about 1 million people, concluded that this amounts to making exercise is insufficient for many individuals.
The researchers said that the risk of death over a period of 2 to 18 years were 9.9% for those who remain seated for eight or more hours a day and are committed little or no physical activity, compared with those who sat less than 4 hours and they were active for at least an hour a day.
But according to researchers, those who perform physical activity a minimum of one hour per day, had no danger of losing life, whether standing eight hours locked in the office.
Study leader, Professor Ulf Ekelund, from the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences and Cambridge University, said: "There is no need to deal with sport and there is no need to go to the gym. It's ok if you do a brisk walking in the morning, during lunch or after dinner in the evening. You have to walk for an hour, but can not share this action in part ", said Norwegian researcher.
The study analyzed the data of 16 previous studies, in which were included mainly people aged over 45 years from the US, Western Europe and Australia.
The authors concluded that an hour of moderate activity as gait trainer with 5.6 km / h or cycling for pleasure 16 km / h, were enough to repair the effects of sitting in the body for a long time.
According Ekelund's, people need to calculate the best time and not be totally focused on the television or other sedentary activities, but also for health care.
Moreover makes a good 5-6 minute break in an hour, which advised employees to stand up and move.
Physical inactivity is costing governments worldwide 67.5 billion dollars in a year.

Wearing perfect for a ceremony here must focus

Country, type of ceremony and personal physical characteristics, are just some of the things that need to consider when choosing your clothing in a ceremony. From "Stylosophy", we bring the best advice on this matter, as both women and men.
We begin with the women when they want to go, for example, at the wedding of a friend, friend or relative.
In choosing the color it is essential to know the type of ceremony and invitation. Clearer tonalities are perfect for cocktail dresses, while those in black as black and blue, are ideal for evening.
Short dress or long?
Long dress is made weddings that evening, while the shortest one is special for all marriages, the celebration of which is done in the morning.
At the ceremony, the choice of dress, to take into consideration is the décolleté, or even other parts of the open cracks through dress. Remember that there should be more exaggerated than switch to vulgarity.
When you have just chosen attire ceremony, choice of accessories do not leave to chance.Remember that kollanët and other jewels should not be placed in the case of a fine dress, filled with white dots, beads, stones, etc excellent. If this is your case, we suggest you just prefer small studs, with a shiny stone.
Colors that should be avoided
Definitely some nuances should be avoided, not to be passed in embarrassing situations.The white, in fact, is traditionally the color of the bride dress. If you do not want to be nervous that celebrates the most important day of her stay out of the total white!Alternatively, if you prefer more, you can combine with any other color.
Coating and place of the ceremony
To find the right dress of the ceremony, it is best to go out of the country on the type chosen by the bride and groom. If the marriage will take place in the village, I prefer a style bohemian look, but if the celebration will take place on the beach, abandon the idea of ​​wearing high heels!
Is what men should consider the choice of dress for the occasion of a ceremony?
Dress is probably the most excruciating to choose when you're invited to a wedding ceremony, the terms of the brightness stylish, as simple as they are beautiful in the eyes of everyone. But it is not so difficult for men! It only needs a shirt and a pair of pants that fit you well being, so to the extent that they have. Have serious color (usually white shirt, black trousers). This applies to all kinds of ceremonies. But in the case of a little more important ceremony (by invitation), you need to dress in a suit, however you should consider that clothing imitators not so much with the groom. Ties can make a difference.Regarding accessories, enough time and shirt buttons. Shoes should have always sparkle.

Unveiled the new map of the human brain

Map divides into detail parts undiscovered our brain processes information and answers relative and allows us to think, talk and move, in full 360 areas (180 for each hemisphere), where more than half of which never it was previously identified.

A map of the cerebral cortex (the brain) to a precision that was never previously achieved, was developed recently by scientists.
Map published in the journal "Nature" divides into detail parts undiscovered brain, what processes information and answers relative and allows us to think, talk and move, in full 360 areas (180 for each hemisphere), where more than half of which had never been identified before.
This level is so high for the submission of detail will enable a better understanding of diseases such as dementia, autism or epilepsy, depending precisely the anomalies cortex and will be able to explain also why central system of nerves human it is so special.
Structure and function
The search included a dozen of researchers coordinated by David Van Essen, director of the department of neuroscience at the University of "Washington" statue and the head of the project "Human Connectome".
Launched in 2010, this project aims to identify the links between different areas of the tour and a lot of data used to build the recently published map precisely the line here.
In particular, the 360 ​​areas are determined based on the frequency of brain response to various points, in relation to other areas of the brain and the functions they perform.
Thus was discovered in the area related to language, there is a small space that is activated only when heard stories. Also, the viewing area, a group of neurons exclusively determines the width of the horizon.
But brain "im" is different
Researchers have taken into account the differences may be between one person and another, and have developed an algorithm that allows us to trace the specific map of each brain.
This instrument will allow doctors to tailor therapies to specific patients and monitor improvements.
Especially neurosurgeons can interfere with the brain with great accuracy, thus avoiding significant damage to facilities. Realistically this can be done with current technology development today, but now the process will be improved.
brain 1What if they are wrong
Finally, in the journal "PNAS" was called into question the validity of many researches that have arisen in connection with functional magnetic resonance imaging. And a part of the data used in the study recently published in the journal "Nature" comes from that way of probing.

Technical details of the approach used by Van Essen and his colleagues will be published very briefly, but the precision of the work of their need to be made to map brain is drawn so well that hardly any error small.

"Taming" of wrinkles, everything should know about Botox

Botulinike toxin effects which look wonderful, but warnings and measures are necessary. Here's what experts advise.

Botulinike toxin based treatments are already rife. They are good for wrinkles and facial expression, but to avoid the area around the lips and not advisable for wrinkles caused by sun. Meanwhile, prohibited in pregnancy and during breast-feeding. Beware of infections and reactions after only confide highly specialized people. Hard times are coming for aesthetic medicine experts, in recent weeks around the world are numerous cases of interventions that have emerged on the front pages of the result of bad press for their abuses and errors. But certainly not the case demonized botulinike toxins, it is important to know well the reasons for and against this toxin in aesthetic surgical interventions.Here's some of the advice of American specialists in the field.
What is Botox? 
Botox is the commercial name of a medicine based botulinike toxin type A, produced by the bacteria that provokes butolizmin feeder.
By injected in small doses, it relaxes the muscles with effects that can last for several months, while a few blocks chemical signals to nerve endings, causing a predetermined muscle paralysis. Botulinike based medicines are of two types toxin, BOTOX and BOTOX Cosmetic: first used in medicine, the second in aesthetics.
Pro botox
"Food and Drug Administration" part of American control over all that belongs to health, has approved Botox as a temporary treatment for wrinkles between the eyebrows, whether light or severe. But it can also be used for wrinkles aside all eyes and facial beauty. Meanwhile, botox is not effective against wrinkles caused by sun and is less advisable for lines around the lips. Cost and price botulinike toxin injections depends on the number of areas which are treated, and can vary from 150 to 500 euros.
Risks of intervention
After a tussle with Botox you will need to check your face constantly. And the case would notify a specialist if you notice one of these problems, muscle weakness, impaired vision, difficulty speaking, swallowing, and even breathing. Botulinike among other toxins can cause allergic reactions, itching, swelling, redness, pain in the chest and face, but you can also feel symptoms similar to those of influenza. BOTOX should only be used by doctors responsible for, if injected incorrectly can be very dangerous.
against botox

Italian drug agency (AIFA) has stated that in Italy, Botox treatment can only be used for wrinkles between the eyebrows lines, and that any other use of it may expose patients to risks of different natures. Meanwhile, doctors generally do not recommend it during pregnancy or breast-feeding children. Results, however, are not definitive: 3-6 months after botox effects begin to disappear. In conclusion it remains to say beware of offers that circulated across the Internet where alert decrease from 60% to 70%. Remember that health is not playing!